Week Ending May 11, 2018

The weather has been so beautiful this week!
Monday-We read our P book, talked about "P"airs and played a Pair game with our "P"ath game boards.  They are excited to bring them home and play with you. We had a "P"izza "P"arlour where they could make "P"retend "P"izzas.  Pajama day was a blast!  We also made "P"inwheels!!
Wednesday-We practiced our letter P and the sound it makes as well as painted the letter P with our dotters.  We had reading buddies and gave them bookmarks we made for them.  We also talked about Prepositions with our literacy In The Kitchen program.    We also made "P"ig paper bag puppets as well as "p"opcorn syllable clapping. We had a fun "p"inwheel "p"arade. 
Friday-Have an amazing Mom's Day!  I hope you all got your presents from the lockers and enjoy the day with them!  The theme is Alice In Wonderland- you can choose to dress up with that theme or just show up and have some fun!  No A.M. class but you will come from 1-2:30pm.  

Have a wonderful weekend!
Next week is the letter U!


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