
Showing posts from May, 2018

Week Ending May 18, 2018

I can't believe it is almost our last week of school! Monday-We talked about our 5 senses, learned about our letter U with our U book, celebrated Laela's birthday and used watercolors to make a unicorn and the letter U and read Knufflebunny . Wednesday-We practiced writing our names, used our 5 senses to blow bubbles in the rain, learned about sink and float with experiments, celebrated Theo's birthday, read Dinosaurs Love Underpants and decorated underpants on paper. Friday-We talked about the #9, counted and ripped 9 pieces of paper for our sheet, made the 5 senses book, celebrated Jane's birthday and fed our inflatable mouth with review letters, numbers, shapes and colors with an "u"nderhand throw. Have a wonderful weekend!  Show and tell for next week is whatever they want to bring to show their friends. Please email me if you would like a conference at the end of the year.  If you don't need one, I will send home their progress folders on Wednes

Week Ending May 11, 2018

The weather has been so beautiful this week! Monday-We read our P book, talked about "P"airs and played a Pair game with our "P"ath game boards.  They are excited to bring them home and play with you. We had a "P"izza "P"arlour where they could make "P"retend "P"izzas.  Pajama day was a blast!  We also made "P"inwheels!! Wednesday-We practiced our letter P and the sound it makes as well as painted the letter P with our dotters.  We had reading buddies and gave them bookmarks we made for them.  We also talked about Prepositions with our literacy In The Kitchen program.    We also made "P"ig paper bag puppets as well as "p"opcorn syllable clapping. We had a fun "p"inwheel "p"arade.  Friday-Have an amazing Mom's Day!  I hope you all got your presents from the lockers and enjoy the day with them!  The theme is Alice In Wonderland- you can choose to dress up with that them

Week Ending May 4, 2018

We had an amazing week! Monday-We read the M book, learned the Macarena, talked about Moods and Emotions, talked about prepositions and used our Mood bear emotions. Wednesday-We read If You Give a Moose a Muffin , made mad and happy faces, learned the letter M with our Handwriting Without Tears, counted and used our numbers 8 and 9 with our math activities, talked about mixing colors and talked about Miss Mary Mack. Friday-We had our Kentucky Derby.  We had a lot of emotions after the race.  Congrats to Thomas for winning our Kentucky Derby.  Many kids were upset that they didn't win.  This was the perfect opportunity for us to discuss winning and losing, about being a good sport and giving congratulations to the winner although it was hard.  Much learning went on and I feel they all did an amazing job after our classroom discussion.  Losing in the future will be much easier and winning will be a bonus!  :)  We read our N book and talked about the letter N, made Me Posters, and