Week Ending January 26, 2018

We had an amazing week!  We were so lucky that it snowed on the week we were talking about snow.   We walked through the snow to get to P.E. and Music and had a snowy good time!!

Monday-we introduced our letter R with an R book,  used chalkboards to write our R,  focused on proper pencil grip and talked about the different forms of water and how a snowflake is formed.

Wednesday-we had a lesson on sequencing by using 3 steps to making our paper bag puppets.  We saw our reading buddies and watched some wonderful plays they put on for us.  Many of the teachers stopped me in the hall to compliment how well our class sat still and behaved!  Yay for us!  We also painted and glittered snowflakes which are hanging above the lockers.  We read the Grouchy Ladybug and talked about manners and read Snowman at Night.

Friday-we played with snow glitter play dough, made snowmen and went on a nature walk to find items we could use to build our snowmen.  We made snow murals to decorate our classroom and used shaving cream to paint with our hands beautiful snow scenes. 

Your children have transitioned so well.  I am so pleased with the way our class is getting along and I am starting to see some great friendships forming.
Show and tell has been a hit!!  The main reason I have always done show and tell is to encourage children to stand in front of their peers and present something.  This skill is such an amazing tool for children to have at any age.  Some children in the class that don't tend to talk too much have amazed us all by presenting their items in detail and have started to become really outgoing and talking a lot.  It is so amazing to see these kids growing and really enjoying school.

Parent teacher conferences are coming up on Friday, Feb. 2nd.  The time slots are below...
There is childcare available during conference times for your children.

Lastly, the Valentine's Party is coming up.   I'm not sure who signed up for the parties at the beginning of the year-I wasn't given a list of sign-ups-sorry!  We will be having our Valentine's Day Party on Wednesday, February 14th.  I am double checking to make sure we have library that day so we can schedule around it.   I will keep you posted.
Thanks again for sharing your kids with me!

Letter of the week is I.  Enjoy your Sunday!


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