Week Ending March 28, 2018

Short but great week!  Getting back into the swing of things after spring break.   I hope you all have a wonderful Easter and let's wish for warm weather next week. 

Monday-We sorted pompoms by color and separated them with tweezers.  This is a great fine motor exercise and the kids did great!  We graphed names from our daily question of -Do you like cheese pizza or pepperoni?  The majority liked cheese with two liking both.  We talked about bugs and had a science center to explore real bugs and observe them with a magnifying glass.

Wednesday-We made bug fingerprints, talked about spiders and insects, learned that spiders have 8 legs and other bugs have 6.  The kids traced their names and wrote their name once themselves(they are getting very good at writing their names!), had library, indoor recess and ended our day with an Easter Egg Hunt.  They had a great time and thank you for bringing all the eggs!!

Next week we will be talking about the letters Z and S. 


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